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Rake up leaf piles and pick up ground debris like sticks, twigs, and anything else you might find. For nesting areas, you might spot these snakes living in wooded areas with plenty of debris. Mulch, leaf litter, and rotted wood piles offer the perfect hiding spot to nest. Copperhead snakes are reportedly responsible for more snake bites than any other species in the United States. They’re masters of evasion and often go unnoticed until they’re disturbed. They deliver a haemotoxic poison that has the potential to cause tissue damage.
Thus, we can safely say that garlic sprays are a viable repellent option. Essential oils are known to work as an effective repellent against copperheads. Keep in mind, their effectiveness dissipates over time and will wash away in rain. Eastern milk snake These snakes look a lot like copperheads but with more vibrant coloration. They have light bodies with red spots outlined in black. Eastern hognose snake These can look a lot like copperheads but lack any spotting on the sides.
Ask for help from professionals
These devices have tapered entries that snakes can quickly slither into. However, reversing their course and exiting is not as easy. Getting rid of those food sources is not easy, but you can take steps to minimize their presence. Because you already know that snakes are nearby, make sure to do so with caution. Hire a professional or wear protective gear to stay safe.
Many of them are not made specifically for snakes but will work to repel both snakes and other types of animals. There are many different repellents you can use to get rid of copperheads. The copperhead doesn’t eat the food, but the leftovers attract rodents and other pests. You should never approach any snake directly, as this poses a threat to your safety.
What Plants Keep Copperhead Snakes Away?
Fortunately, there are a plethora of botanical solutions for keeping them at bay including marigolds, West Indian lemongrass, yucca, and many more. They are also known for their venom and rather painful bite. Copperhead snakes frequently hibernate in dens made up of rocks. They also often den inside logs and in holes carved out by mammals. Other typical den spots for these snakes are stone walls, heaps of sawdust, stumps and caves. Unless you take all safety precautions, these snakes might be able to hurt you.
Lemongrass also works effectively to keep copperhead snakes away. However, copperheads aren’t the only creatures that avoid the west Indian lemongrass. Yucca plants are an excellent genus to consider if you’re looking to keep copperhead snakes away. Just like mother-in-law’s tongue, they have pointy and sharp leaves that snakes do not like. They make wonderful house plants because of how easy they are to maintain. If you’re trying to keep copperheads away from your home, consider planting snake-repelling plants around your home.
Remove other pests
When dealing with rodents, you'll often find other indicators like nesting materials, gnawing on items, and strange odors. Traps can be dangerous, especially for pets and curious little fingers. Make sure that you place traps out of the way in discreet locations, where dogs, cats and kiddos can't easily access them. Place traps inside, in the areas where you have sealed up entry points.
The thing to keep to min with essential oils is that they must be sprayed very close to where the snake is present. As you know, the farther away you are from the oil, the less effective it becomes. Similar to an onion, garlic is another strong-smelling herb with a powerful odor.
As a wildlife photographer, he has traveled extensively and studied wildlife sanctuaries across the globe. Do not attempt to self-treat by putting ice or a tourniquet in place–this may cause further harm. The best thing you can do is to drop whatever you’re doing and rush your dog to the vet. The vet will administer antivenom and treat your dog’s symptoms as necessary. The sooner your dog receives this treatment, the better. If your dog is bitten by a copperhead, get the dog to the vet immediately.
Gestation lasts about 3-9 months depending on environmental conditions. This means things like food, water, and temperature affect gestation. They’re usually not aggressive and will freeze when they sense danger. Other than size, males and female copperheads are very similar in appearance. They grow up to 36” on the higher end as an adult and babies usually are around 7” long. Essentially, it agitates the vomeronasal organ that snakes use to navigate their surroundings.
Minnow traps can work both outside and inside your home. If you have a snake in your basement, attic, or somewhere else that’s hard to find, you can set up a minnow trap. You can use a bunch of commercial sprays and killers to repel them. Whatever you choose to use, place the cotton balls or mason jars in areas where the snakes are entering your home.

They’ll also bathe in the water pools that collect from overwatering, so avoid when possible. For those who really don’t want copperheads around their home or yard, here are some methods to get rid of them. The point of this article isn’t to directly remove them. There’s no proof that mothballs keep copperheads away from your home, so there’s no point in using them.
At present, I love to spend my time with my family as a retiree. If you have time, you should also call a pest removal company specializing in snake removal. When bitten by copperheads, the symptoms like redness and pain may take longer to appear. However, most of the time, they do swim while keeping their head above water. Rattlesnakes are usually from 1 to 8 feet in size, proving to be one of the largest snake breeds in the USA.

When they do, eastern copperheads swiftly attack, grabbing onto them with their long and hollow solenoglyphous fangs while they inject venom. In many cases, they hold onto the animal with their strong teeth until it stops struggling. Copperheads hunting schedules are diurnal in the spring and fall and nocturnal during the summer. They prey on toads, frogs, small mammals, snakes, and even other copperheads, making them cannibals. Despite how widely spread the species is in North America, Iowa doesn’t have a large population of the copperhead and works to preserve its limited numbers.
How To Get Copperhead Snakes Out Of Your Yard?
Image by Hans from PixabayThere are several plants that can help repel snakes if you want to keep them out of your property. Planting these plants will not only deter copperheads, but will also attract other beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. If you want to keep bird feeders in your yard, keep them as far away from the house as possible to avoid inviting mice and rats closer to your home. Also understand that if there are gaps around your home that remain unsealed, rodents can easily find them. Mice and rats are so sensitive to airflow, that just walking by a gap in your siding can pique their interest due to the warmth and smells.
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